Letter to the Editor

Crusades revisited

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Dear Editor,

The Crusades were not acts of unprovoked aggression by Europe against the Islamic world, but a delayed response to centuries of Muslim aggression.

It is time to acknowledge this fact and not coddle or apologize to the Islamo-fascists for preventing them from taking over Europe after they had invaded other non-Muslim lands and brutally conquered them.

To offer an apology for defending truth, honor and life against a hostile aggressor who wants nothing but control of your life is something that someone would do if they are fearful for their religion, image or even their physical existence.

I understand the fear, but I don't understand the lack of courage. It is time for Americans and those who would be our allies to focus on truth, courage and above all, the God of the Holy Bible.

Kent Chambers


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