
McCook's rental market may be booming

Thursday, August 31, 2006

When Brad was first asked if he'd go to Wyoming to work for two to four months, I was -- at the very least -- a little hesitant about the idea.

But I went along -- what's good for the company is good for Brad and what's good for Brad will ultimately trickle down and be good for me.

I circled the approximate date of his return on the calendar, and started marking off the days as they passed with a big black magic marker, waiting anxiously for his return much like a child does when he's waiting for Christmas. Unfortunately, I've crossed off several days since I marked that all-important one, and let's just say, Santa still hasn't made it down my chimney. Now I'm using a big red magic marker.

I'm thinking about renting out my house and moving to Wyoming.

It seems the market for rentals will soon be picking up in the area. Construction on the new ethanol plant in Cambridge is already beginning and according to my sources, the one at Perry won't be far behind. Plus, there's talk of construction of one in Arapahoe. The area could begin to see a real boom in the economy with up to 600 workers arriving to complete the construction of the plants.

These aren't workers who plan on sticking around for long; they do their jobs and move on, going to the next ethanol plant to complete construction on it. Purchasing homes is not on their agenda

"There are all kinds of houses for sale, but there's nothing to rent," said my source -- we'll call him Tom.

The workers are nomads of sorts. But once they hit their oasis, they need a place to live and Southwest Nebraska could certainly use the economic boost they will provide us. The only problem they've come across, it seems, is the availability of housing.

"There are plenty of houses on the market for sale," Tom said. "But no one wants to rent."

"There will be around 600 workers looking for places to live for six to eight months. Why would anyone prefer to leave a house sit empty for that long, when they could be getting monthly rent out of it?" he asked.

He almost has me convinced. In the long run, it may not be a bad idea for me to move to Wyoming for the next few months -- it'll be a win-win (-win) situation, I can keep a better eye on Brad and we can get a little revenue of our own from renting out our house. Plus, two or three -- or seven -- people can have a place to live for the next six to eight months -- or until Santa drops that little package down my chimney.

Editor's note -- If you have a rental house available or are in need in of a rental home, the McCook Area Chamber of Commerce keeps a list of rentals at their office at 107 Norris Ave. in McCook, if you have a rental available, whether in McCook or the surrounding area, you can call the Chamber office at (308) 345-3200 or email Linda at info@aboutmccook.com

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