Letter to the Editor

Proud of program

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Dear Editor,

This week Ann and I were privileged to watch a grandson, TJ Monzon, play baseball in the Cubs tournament at Felling Field.

We were impressed with the quality of the total experience. Head Umpire Ron Kruger and his crew were superb in keeping the games, the players and even the crowd under control. The coaches are to be complimented for encouraging each boy on their teams and getting each player to do his best.

McCook can rightly be proud how each team in the league is well balanced which makes the competition a quality experience. The ball park is well kept, great for both fans and players, even down to a well run concession stand.

The crowd was always encouraging and I never heard a comment in anger the whole five games we watched on Sunday. Even the weather cooperated; it was a nice day.  And yes, TJ's team came out on top which was simply a bonus to top a grand experience. Well Done!

Dick Trail


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