Councilmen deliver wish lists for budget

Thursday, July 6, 2006

"Wish List" items requested from the McCook City Council to be included in the 2006-07 budget addressed a variety of issues, including manhole replacement, funding for the McCook Chamber of Commerce and a city Web page where citizens could post concerns.

Mayor Dennis Berry's budget submittals included: reduction in sewer/water rates by directing general fund dollars to that project; electricity to Barnett Park shelter houses; not increasing the mill levy; and increasing the McCook Economic Corp. contribution by at least $5,000.

In addition to the suggested use of city sales tax to pay for water and sewer improvements, Councilman Phil Lyons also requested, among other items: exercise every valve in the water system at least once each year; watch expenses of the water treatment plant to make sure it matches with current estimates; review areas around town that receive city services and determine if it would be in the best interest of the city to annex those areas; place money in the Parks Department for skate park equipment; plan and establish a groundwater protection area around the city well field; replace sewer manholes in need of replacement; construct sidewalk to Wal-Mart; evaluate the need for a full time administrative aide at the fire barn and of an administrative aide to Public Works; prepare to place an elevator when the library expands; look for a site to build three tennis courts; and look at placing an elevator or ramp on south side of auditorium for access to lower floor city offices.

Councilman Aaron Kircher asked for: $100,000 to the MEDC,; $20,000 for the McCook Chamber of Commerce; $48,000 for manhole replacement; $50,000 for sidewalk to Wal-Mart; funding for a Frisbee golf course; estimates for a new City of McCook web page that would allow online payment of utilities and a Citizens Forum for residents to post questions or suggestions; estimates for a waiver of building permit and subdivisions for this budget year; fund upgrade at restrooms at Kelley Park; fund city promotion to $10,000.

Councilman Bill Long-necker requested only one item, a contribution of $25,000 to the Chamber of Commerce.

Councilman Jim Kenny submitted no proposals.

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