Incumbent filing deadline Wednesday

Monday, February 13, 2006

Incumbents who want to file for the May primary have until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Red Willow County Clerk Pauletta Gerver said. The deadline for non incumbents is March 1.

Filings on record for county offices are all incumbents so far, including Pauletta Gerver, County Clerk, Beverly Dodge, Clerk of District Court, Marleen Garcia, County Treasurer, Gene Mahon, Sheriff, Sandra K. Kotschwar, County Assessor, Gary Dicenta, County Surveyor, Earl McNutt, County Commissioner, Leigh Hoyt, County Commissioner and Paul Wood, County Attorney.

Only two have filed so far for the three seats open on the McCook City Council. Incumbent Dennis Berry has filed, along with non incumbent Lonnie Anderson.

Filings for the McCook School Board include incumbent Greg Larsen and non incumbent Gary Power, with three vacancies open on the McCook School Board.

Dale Stritt has filed for the Indianola City Council, and two incumbents have filed for the school board openings at Southwest School District 0179, with Steve McConville and Mike Cuellar.

The Bartley Village Board has three filings on record, with Marv Colson, Myra Minnick, and Kristy Smith-Kreiling.

Those filing for Republican delegates to the county convention are Lory Ann Cappel, Michael O'Dell, and Paul M. Wood.

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