Letter to the Editor

Dwelling together in unity

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dear Editor,

It would be my desire to contact each of the patrons of the Hayes Center School District individually, but since that is not possible I thank you for allowing me to use this forum to communicate some thoughts.

It has been an encouragement to have been in some of your homes the past few weeks for informational meetings, as well as to have had the opportunity to visit with you either in person or on the telephone. To those who have given words of encouragement the past few days you will never know what that has meant to me and my family members. It has been a reaffirmation to me of what I have known all along ... that the people in this area are some of the best on earth. I am reminded of why I returned to this area to live, work, and raise a family. 

I felt the need to address you in some different areas following the passage of the local school bond issue. When the announcement was made at the basketball game on Tuesday night, I for one was not able to join in the jubilation expressed by some. Although I was pleased for the opportunities it provides for the students and community, the tear in my eye was not one of joy, but one of sadness, caused by the fact that this has caused so much pain and distention for so many. Injuries have occurred in friendships, families, and in the overall atmosphere of the community.

I pray those injuries will heal. I felt the pain of my wife and children, who have withstood verbal abuse over my involvement in this issue, and have been deprived of my attention because of the many hours of time dad spent doing "school stuff."

I felt for many of you who have so constructively expressed concerns over the individual financial sacrifices required by this bond. One of the greatest challenges of the school board has been to try to balance the personal financial sacrifice required with the long term vision and benefits to education and the community. To those of you who confided in me concerning your views about the long term viability of the school, it is my hope the Board of Education will be committed to exhausting every avenue in order to maintain stable enrollment and the financial health of the district. 

To those of you involved in the leadership of the opposition to this bond issue, you are to be commended for your passion, commitment, and dedication to your cause. I am greatly humbled by the conciliatory comments made by some of you since the election. It again reminds me of the character qualities of the people of this area. 

I also want to address the recent situation concerning the Times Republican newspaper. One of my greatest regrets is that my attempts for requests for information, concerns about working relationships, or carrying out other responsibilities as a representative of the school district were perceived as threats.

Although I would have appreciated an opportunity to respond to the allegations made in recent articles printed in the North Platte Telegraph I realize it would not benefit what must go forward from here. It certainly was not my intent to threaten anyone, but due to the fact it was perceived as such, I apologize and ask for forgiveness from all who may have been hurt, specifically Jason and Amy Frederick, and their employees.

To the many who have told me they have, or are considering dropping advertisement in, or subscriptions to the Times Republican I ask you to reconsider. Jason and Amy Frederick are a young couple trying to do their job, run a business, and make a living for their family.

An important part of this bond issue has been the emphasis on facilities for entrepreneurial training.

Although it is important to train students to start businesses in the area, it is even more important to keep the ones we have. It is my opinion that the school needs the newspaper, the newspaper needs the school, and the community needs both.  

It is my desire to see the school and local newspaper work together to move Hayes Center forward in the future. 

An ancient writing in an all-time best selling book states "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity". It is my hope that a healing process can begin. 


Loran Wach


Hayes Center Board of Education

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