It's official: McCook Elementary

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


McCook Daily Gazette

It's official -- again. The name of McCook's new single-site elementary is "McCook Elementary School."

Board of education members admitted during a regular meeting Monday evening that the new school's name apparently became "McCook Elementary" when parent-student handbooks were printed last summer.

But, several said, evidently, a formal motion must be needed so the subject won't surface again.

"I think it's a done deal," said board member Jim Coady, "but without a motion, it will continue to come up before the board."

Coady said parents attending a recent PTO meeting overwhelming supported the name "McCook Elementary," as did several parents who spoke to the board Monday evening. No one spoke against the name.

"It's wrong to change the name to promote one person or one family name," said parent Sharlyn Coleman.

Coleman said the new school has been supported and financed by McCook tax payers, not by any private donor. She said T-shirts for parents and students have already been printed with the name, "McCook Elementary."

Fellow board member Diane Lyons said suggestions have included Coleman Elementary, after late teacher-coach Ron Coleman; and Ben Nelson Elementary, after McCook native and Nebraska senator Ben Nelson.

Board member Ron Soden said, "There haven't been enough comments to go forward with anything else (other than McCook Elementary), so, are we going to be redundant and vote on this?"

Board president Greg Larson quipped, "Shall we vote? For the final time?"

The vote was unanimous -- the name of the new elementary school is "McCook Elementary."

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