Letter to the Editor


Friday, September 2, 2005

Dear Editor,

With all due respect, it is not my intention to prove the Bible wrong, nor to prove (writer George Anderson) a buffoon as (he) seems more than capable of that feat unassisted "Metaphysical re-search"(http://www.mccook gazette.com/story/1116358.html)

My intent is to show (intelligent design) to be stealth creationism and a back-door attempt to interject religion into the school curriculum under the guise of science.

Given that metaphysics derives from the greek meta -- after/beyond and physics -- nature and that the evidence for evolution exists in the natural material world in the form of fossils and other physical evidence I'm not sure how you validate your claim that evolution is a metaphysical study.

Contrasted with ID, whose central thesis is that any phenomenon not immediately otherwise explainable is the work of some unseen, unnamed creator, the only evidence for the existence of said creator being a multiply transcribed, multiply translated several thousand year old document from a semitic pastoral culture.

Respectfully submitted,

Patrick L. Tolle

via e-mail

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