
Atwood has reasons to be proud

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Yes, there are a lot of challenges facing the towns or rural America. Many, many challenges. But they are challenges which can be faced and overcome with hard work, planning and community spirit.

That's the inspiring lesson which is springing forth from Atwood, the close-knit and determined community which is preparing to celebrate its 125th anniversary.

The town's spirit is showcased in the Community Spotlight edition which is included as a part of today's Gazette.

To compile information for the issue, the Gazette's Pat Fortkamp, Gloria Masoner and Gene Morris made a series of visits to the Rawlins County seat. They found the community to be proud, progressive and friendly, with a number of new projects completed and planned.

Setting the tone for Atwood are the nice homes, well-kept in all parts of town. Then there are the wide paved streets, recently enhanced in the business district with decorative street lights.

Other examples of progress abound. They include the re-sealing of Atwood Lake, the new CT scan at the health center, the many beautiful churches and the large investment being made to improve Atwood's water system.

Atwood is also committed to economic development, striving to make the community better through participation in the Hometown Competitiveness Program. Atwood has also gained widespread publicity for its free land offer, with lots available for families who agree to build a home.

Atwood has much of which to be proud. Friends and neighbors from throughout the region are encouraged to join the people of the Atwood area for the town's 125th anniversary. The celebration will kick off Saturday, Sept. 3, at 10 a.m. (CDT) with a parade through the downtown area. Anniversary activities will continue throughout the day Saturday and resume on Sunday.

Atwood has reason to celebrate. The town's citizens have a proud record of accomplishment, and they are still going strong after 125 years with a continuing commitment to growth and quality.

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