Letter to the Editor

Choir of dopers

Friday, July 1, 2005

Dear Editor,

The drug legalization lobbyists can say whatever they want.

They can point to THEIR OWN WEB SITE as a definitive source if they choose. They can cite statistics until the cows come home.

Their arguments may well take root in California and Washington, D.C., but they are unlikely to have much effect in Southwest Nebraska. We just don't have the choir of dopers they're used to preaching to.

Just like Mr. Sharpe, these latest two make their living at this sort of thing. What amazes me is that they would even bother with writing to a newspaper as small as this one. Have any of them ever BEEN to McCook? Would they know where it is without consulting Mapquest?

Stick to your urban paradises, gentlemen. Rural Nebraskans aren't buying your bill of goods, and even if we did, our votes wouldn't get you where you need to be.

Or are you getting THAT desperate?

Owen McPhillips


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