Letter to the Editor

Foe to fluoridation

Friday, March 4, 2005

Dear Editor,

Bravo to Dr. Nielsen! He is absolutely correct about fluoridation.

Aside from the obvious wisdom of not using public drinking water as a vehicle to deliver highly cumulative people-treatment substances, consider the following:

1) 90 percent of tooth decay occurs where fluoridation was never claimed to be effective; the pits and fissures of teeth, i.e., the chewing surfaces of the molars.

This is why dentists have been applying plastic sealants to these surfaces for decades. A 1929 study by McKay showed that 95 percent of tooth decay occurred in the pits and fissures of molars.

2) In 1993, the Journal of Public Health Dentistry reported, "50 percent of US Head Start children have had Baby Bottle Tooth Decay."

Fluoridation does not work here either. And nowadays the Sippy Cup is extending this devastating decay of poor children to epidemic levels. The Denver Post, 4/13/04, illustrates this point; Denver has been fluoridated since 1954 and one dentist reports 300 cases a year of this rampant decay.

3) All three fluoridation compounds are bio-chemically far more toxic to mammals than natural-occurring calcium fluoride.

4) The Aug. 12, 1992, Journal of the American Medical Association, Utah hip fracture study shows that hip fractures were doubled for women at age 75 (Figure 1) if they drank fluoridated tap water for a 20 year span prior to their menopause when bone turnover is still rapidly depositing the embrittleing fluoride into new bone. The men's increase in hip fracture was 41 percent (Figure 2). These figures only reflect the 50 percent accumulation into adult bone.

Imagine what this figure would have been had these women been raised on fluoridated water since infancy wherein fluoride accumulation is 87 percent!

A book published in May, 2004, The Fluoride Deception, reveals the details of this, yet another, 1950s public health blunder. http://www.fluoridealert.org posts over a dozen reviews of this long-overdue book.


Maureen Jones

Citizens for Safe Drinking Water


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