Letter to the Editor

Easy not always right

Monday, November 29, 2004

Dear Editors,

For any of those who care to know the whole story, the following is what sparked my charge of censorship concerning the current Sheldon art show:

On my own time on a Saturday afternoon, I visited the art exhibit at The High Plains Museum. It was then I came upon the draped canvas. To my chagrin, I was told the painting had to be covered due to concerns from a local school principal. I was told I could lift the covering and take a look at it, but peeking under a drop cloth is not the way anyone -- including the artist -- wishes to view art.

While I respect the authority of school administrators, why is my right to view a painting being compromised because of it? Perhaps now museum staffers are pulling the cloth to one side or taking down the cloth when school tours are not in effect; in any case, the repeated covering/uncovering of an original piece of art raises the real possibility of damage being done.

Perhaps all this brouhaha could have been avoided if school administrators had viewed the exhibition beforehand. The easy solution is not always the right solution.


Lorri Sughroue


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