Letter to the Editor

Some questions

Friday, October 15, 2004

Dear Editor,

and The Common Sense Committee and local residents:

I re-read the old article in the paper the other day about Mr. Brad Randel and his Common Sense Committee asking for more money to stop the building of the new school for the Southwest Public School District. (I might add that we hope someone like him who doesn't agree with the new grade school in McCook doesn't file a lawsuit against it)

Anyway back to my questions. I was under the impression that the Southwest school was being sued by a lady named Frankie Nickolson and not the Common Sense Committee.

If the Common Sense Committee is suing the school district and asking for donations, wouldn't it be prudent for them to provide some kind of documentation publicly that this money is going where it's supposed to go and not being spent somewhere else. Common sense would say that we need to have a public accounting of how much and where this money is being spent and by whom.

Where has this money been spent so far? How much is Frankie Nickolson paying on this lawsuit?

Mr. Randel states in his letter in the second paragraph "First of all, I feel we have a very good opportunity to stop this building if we can get some people on the school board that share our opinion. There are three candidates on the ballot that fit this description: Brian Holtze, Dennis Wasson, and Brad Randel. It is very important that we as a committee vote for these three, and these three only. If we could get these three elected, it would be the cheapest and easiest way to get this mess cleaned up."

I am very curious and I think the public should get an answer from Mr. Randel: How are you three planning to stop the construction of a building voted on and passed by a majority of the voters?

Is this legal? Does this mean that if the majority of board members don't like another board member they can somehow vote them off the board?

This is the same logic Mr. Randel uses in his letter to stop the building of the new school. Is that something a board can legally do? Will someone please ask these questions of Mr. Randel and have him answer them in public. I think we have a right to know his answers.

Thank you for this forum to ask these questions.


Robert Horton


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