Letter to the Editor

Enjoy those letters

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Dear Editor,

Contrary to what "Writer Ray" has stated in his Open Forum letter I would like to offer a different opinion.

I have enjoyed reading the letters from Mr. Anderson and Mr. Yost. I am thankful they both have used one of the freedoms we enjoy in this great country, our freedom of speech.

I was a little upset to read Mr. Yost's letter stating and I quote: "Some folks who I hold in high esteem have asked me to end this discussion, citing its futility."

As individuals in this great country we have the right to our opinion. We are all unique individuals who come from all walks of life. We are not always going to please some folks with our opinion but we are entitled to our opinion no matter what the subject is!

I, for one, do believe in God, I have Jesus in my heart and I am thankful to have the opportunity to tell all of you that are reading this article that I am a Christian! Writer Ray, to you I say, if you don't like reading about this subject, then please turn the page!

To Mr. Anderson and Mr. Yost, please continue on no matter where the Gazette chooses to print your letters in the paper. I'll be watching for you both!

God Bless,

Patty Hanken,


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