Letter to the Editor

Top of the list

Friday, August 27, 2004

Dear Editor,

On the contrary, Mr. Yost. The McCook Gazette is a wonderful place to post thought and commentary of all types and of all venues. It is a wonderful freedom that the American people enjoy. I encourage you to continue to submit your point of view whenever you feel compelled to do so.

I for one have appreciated your comments as well as the letters from George Anderson and many others, even if I don't always agree. Please do not allow others to succeed in conforming you to their view of what is proper.

It is interesting that so many have interpreted George Anderson's comments and letters as "bullying" or as "closed minded". Knowing George Anderson to be a Christian man, I know that the perspective from which he states his thoughts are from that of love. (Maybe folks could re-read some of those letters with that thought in mind.) He professes to be a fanatic about Christ. Your statement that a fanatic means your mind is closed to change rang a chord in me. You see, I too am a Christian. A Christian with a sinner's past the likes of which is not appropriate to detail in this forum.

I have been on the opposing side of God's will. I was living a life that was designed to refuse his grace, his love and his forgiveness. But run though I may, God caught up to me. I am now living a life repentant of my old, evil ways. I am not perfect, but I know that I am loved and forgiven. I accept God's grace, his love, and his forgiveness. I have accepted God's gift of Jesus Christ as my Saviour as my brother and as my Lord. And now that I am living a life open to God's grace and love and forgiveness, I find myself closed to turn against that way of life; if that makes me a fanatic, then put me on the top of the list.


Michael Pochop


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