Letter to the Editor

Defend parents

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Dear Editor,

After reading your story concerning the anonymous complaint made against the care an individual's parents were receiving at Hillcrest Nursing Home, I had a few questions.

If this person is truly worried about the care their parents are receiving why is this an anonymous complaint? Wouldn't you want to correct the problem your parents were allegedly having directly, insuring that they were taken care of?

Additionally, how are Hillcrest personnel supposed to respond to an alleged problem, if they do not know where the problem is occurring. In my opinion, this person does not truly care about the conditions that their parents are living in and is complaining for the sake of causing problems for others. If that isn't the case, then stand up for your parents. Chances are they have stood up for you.

Staff Sgt. David C. McConnell


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