Letter to the Editor

More on IQs

Friday, July 9, 2004

Dear Editor,

There are a couple of things I would like to point out regarding the July 2 column written by Mike Hendricks.

1. Mr. Hendricks' suggestion that Nebraskans have a "blind-eyed allegiance to a particular perspective" because of their consistent conservative bent is not a fair assessment. Undoubtedly some do, but this is true of conservatives and liberals alike and thus it is unimportant. 

I will consistently support pro-life candidates, not because of "blind allegiance" but because I see the unborn baby as objectively alive and human and thus worthy of protection. We ought afford people more respect concerning their ability to make informed decisions.

2. Mr. Hendricks' work on intelligence leaves much to be desired. Translation of SATs into IQ scores is not an exact science.

Assuming the work was accurate, this still reveals above-average intelligence on President Bush's part. Secondly, a high-school IQ may be far different from current IQ. Comparing a high-school IQ to your own current IQ (am I assuming incorrectly?) is not a 1:1 correspondence (even given the IQ placement into age groups).

Thirdly, 77 percent average at Yale is nothing to sneeze at. I attended a school that only takes the top 10 percent of high-school students. Among this top 10 percent, I got average grades.

From this are we to gather that I am not intelligent? Fourthly, all this allows for no growth into a higher bracket after school. My IQ (it is age specific) has increased quite a bit over the years. I understand that Mr. Hendricks may not have current data to work with, but he ought not present all this speculation without any disclaimer.

Such would be dishonest for a person of Mr. Hendricks' intelligence. Finally, Mr. Hendricks IQ scores are below my own, but I do not think this gives me a right to challenge Mr. Hendricks intelligence (after all, 137 is pretty good). In like manner, Mr. Hendricks ought not challenge the intelligence of others simply because their IQ scores are lower than his.


Brett Scollard


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