Letter to the Editor

Do us a favor

Thursday, July 1, 2004

Dear Editor,

I have a question about the way the young women of today are dressing.

I see young, overweight females wearing short shirts to show their mid-sections.

Why do these young women want to dress like that; better yet, who do parents let their young, overweight daughters dress like that?

Do the young overweight girls not realize that we do not want to look at that? Do they not look at themselves in the mirror before they leave the house?

The other day in a restaurant, I saw a nice-looking, overweight young woman who also had large busts. She was wearing a shirt two sizes too small.

Therefore, there were her busts and her mid section hanging out for all to see while we were trying to eat. I could hear several people around me whispering to each other about her. My first thought was, "Was her mom around when she left?"

Ladies, why do that to yourself? Why make people stare at you in disgust?

Parents, take a good look at your daughter before she leaves the house next time.

If your daughter is overweight, and insists on wearing smaller clothes, maybe it's time that you take her into the bathroom and make her look at herself, and then take her shopping for clothes that will fit her.

If she is uncomfortable with her weight, help her diet so one day she can wear those small clothes. Until then, do us all a favor and please make her cover up.

Bill Ryan


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