Carrot cake?

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

In a World-Herald column Jan. 10 by titled "amnesty for illegals would hurt the U.S.," Bill says Bush wants to allow about 10 million illegal aliens to live and work in the U.S., a calculated political move.

He is betting that his supporters, many of whom will not like the amnesty, will vote for him anyway, especially if Howard Dean is his opponent. By showing compassion to millions of hispanic illegals, Bush hopes to win some hearts and minds, and most importantly, votes.

Bill says this won't work for America, because it is all carrot cake and no stick. Once the poor of the world realize that anyone who sneaks into America illegally can get the benefits of living in this country, such as Social Security, the flood gates, which are already open, will burst.

The immigration mess we have now started when Reagan granted amnesty to illegals in 1986. Right now, 34 percent of all legal Mexican immigrants are on welfare, and 25 percent of illegals are getting government assistance.

Millions of people in the world would love to come to America. Bush has not solved the immigration problem, and probably made it much worse.