Letter to the Editor

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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Dear Editor,

I would like to comment on a letter by Bill donze on 1-13 A.D. 2004.

Just because you don't believe that speeding kills and maims, doesn't change the facts. Ask an expert on speeding and its consequences, a patrolman or a race car driver. Fines are a form of discipline. Hit someone in the wallet to cause disobedience to become unpleasant. Rebellion is sin. Sin is progressive, which means that each time you sin and get away with it, you sin worse the next time.

If you do something wrong, enough times, you will eventually get caught and have to pay. If your child runs out in the street, that child is disciplined to save its life. Also, to keep that child from becoming a bad influence and leading other children into the street.

In the early '80s, I personally thanked Patrolman Rowedder for saving my life. He presented me with numerous tickets when I was in high school, and those tickets slowed me down. I can testify that the tickets I received prevented me from being seriously hurt or hurting an innocent driver. Discipline works!

One more thing, Bill. Any dentist will tell you that chewing on ice damages your teeth or crowns. You might want to include a disclaimer with every snow kone you sell, in case one of your young customers returns in 20 years and sues you for a dental bill!

Don't lead those children astray. Warn them "Don't chew on the ice," for their own good, and for your own good also. God willing, those children will be our nurses and administrators when we are in the nursing home.

George R. Anderson


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