Letter to the Editor

Regard for farmers

Monday, January 12, 2004

Dear Editor,

I am writing this in regard to our City Council. I am wondering why all but two of our City Council (members) do not have much regard for the farmers?

I am a farmer who has moved into McCook to retire; also, I know a lot of farmers who also have moved here to retire.

They have bought and built a lot of homes here in McCook, which I know has really helped the city of McCook a great deal. Also, this is an agricultural area, and McCook has really depended on all the farmers for a lot of business in the city of McCook.

If all the farmers took their business, grain and livestock elsewhere, I am sure McCook would really be hurting.

Also, I am wondering what our city manager does to earn all the money he draws, as he was just given a raise a short time ago.

I visited with him and he surely was against water treatment.

I am really concerned over how they figure they are not dependent on the farmers of the area, the way they are overlooked at council meetings.

A retired farmer living in McCook.

Fran Broz,


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