
Celebrate the life of a true Statesman

Friday, May 17, 2002

Feeling old and tired, fearful that life is passing you by?

Shame on you.

Right now, this very minute, you need to contemplate the life and times of Frank Brennan Morrison, a life-long visionary and proud resident of McCook, Nebraska.

On Saturday evening at 7 p.m., Frank's friends and neighbors will gather in Norris Park to pay an early birthday tribute to the man who will be 97 years old on Monday.

While the number of Frank's years is impressive, that is not what is the most special about Frank B. Morrison.

What sets him apart -- what makes him a human being worthy of emulation -- is his unquenchable spirit and his indomitable drive to make the world a better place.

Just yesterday from his McCook home at 105 East H Street, Gov. Morrison spoke passionately about his two latest pursuits.

"I have two primary interests at present. One is to develop the Platte River Road Memorial into a nationally significant historic attraction. The second is to work with my wife, Maxine, in expanding and advocating the Heritage Square project in McCook."

Those goals tell a lot about Frank Morrison and his philosophy of life. No matter how old (or young) you are, live life to the fullest. Devote your life to the service of others, and no matter what happens, never allow yourself to be deterred by idleness and negative thinking.

Maybe it's a coincidence, maybe it's not, but Frank Brennan Morrison was born in the same year, 1905, in which the famed physicist, Albert Einstein, introduced the theory of relativity. In that theory, Einstein taught us that mass is the equivalent of energy.

And -- without doubt -- Frank Morrison has proven that. Always a big man, Frank came into the world as a 13 1/2 pound baby. Born in Golden, Colo., at the foot of Mount Lookout, Frank went on to a homestead near Brush, Colo., and a farm near Manhattan, Kan. After going to law school, Frank moved to Frontier County, Nebraska. It was there that he met Maxine, his wife of 66 years, and, it was also there that he launched his career as an attorney.

The Morrisons moved to McCook in 1942 and it was here that their three children -- Frank Jr., David Jon and Jean Marie -- were born. "Life began for all three in the same room at St. Catherine's Hospital," Frank said.

From McCook, the Morrisons went on to Lincoln where Frank launched his successful campaign for governor. Elected for three successive terms, Gov. Morrison served from January 1961 to January 1967 as the state's chief executive.

The Morrisons now divide their time between residences in Lincoln and McCook and travels to their children's homes in Whitefish, Mont., Denver, Colo. and Las Vegas, Nev.

If at all possible, take time Saturday evening to attend Frank's birthday tribute at Norris Park. The party starts at 7 p.m. There will be cake and refreshments, but rest assured the best part will be when Frank gets up to speak. He remains one of the best stem-winding speakers this state has ever known.

But, even more important, he has a message for all of us. By word and deed, in 97 years of life Frank Morrison has shown us that we need to live life to the fullest, never wavering in our quest to make the world a better place.

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