
A forgiving God

Monday, August 19, 2002

Dear Editor:

Everyone has a god or God. Everyone tithes to their god or to God. Whatever is first in our lives is our god or God. If money is your god, you will never have enough. If some kind of sin is your god, sin is progressive and you will sin a bit more every day and sin will make you stupid.

If alcohol is your god, you will never be able to drink enough or have enough stored up. If you are your own god, you will never be satisfied with what you do or say. If another person is your god, that person will disappoint you sooner or later.

If Jesus Christ is your God, He will give you peace of mind, contentment, satisfaction, and best of all, forgiveness. Satan will kill steal and destroy, Jesus will give you abundant life.

Satan is the father of lies, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. If you are against Jesus and Christianity, you just don't understand what Jesus is all about.

The hardest part of most things is getting started. Open up your Bible and read one chapter. Plan to read just one chapter a day. You will find these basic truths: God loves you. He knows you're not perfect and that you will never be perfect. He wants to forgive you but if you don't ask you don't receive.

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

Don't be Bible ignorant. Do yourself a favor. Jesus will never fail you nor forsake you.

Love in Christ Jesus,

George R. Anderson

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