
Hail advice

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Dear Editor,

First summer in three that we get rain and too many are telling me of getting hailed out.

Sad it is that so many just roll the garden dice and hope for no hail. Not believing in luck, I stack the deck for our garden.

I cannot afford to lose it to hail, so I bought over the years a dozen or so big used roles of chicken wire and cut them into box-looking covers.

Yes, they wouldn't save from baseball size hail but with 1/4 inch wire on top it makes small hail proof for plants in summer production.

Thanks to this paper and local radio we are given warning time to set out our cages and can set back with little worries of damages to our full yard of crops.

We have NOT lost ONE plant to any hail since we went to using cages if weather turns bad!

Last did you use rain barrels this summer?

From ONE inch of rain your roof can give you a free 1,000 gallons of water!

Bill Donze


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