
Lottery jackpot

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

I just heard that the Nebraska lottery is doing marvelous, that it's got a lot of money in there. I'm confused. Why are they making so much money and our schools are suffering so badly. Wasn't that money earmarked for education? Would somebody please explain?

EDITOR'S NOTE -- The formula for the Nebraska Lottery sends 49.5 percent of the proceeds to the Education Innovation, 49.5 percent to the Nebraska Environmental Trust Fund and 1 percent plus the first $500,000 in fund proceeds each year to the Compulsive Gamblers Assistance Fund. Since the program began on Sept. 11, 1993, 40 transfers totaling more than $183 million have been made. Since the state began experiencing budget shortfalls in 2001, the Legislature has shifted some $11.5 million to the general fund as well as other funds to deal with interstate water rights and the low-level nuclear waste issue. More information is available at www.nelottery.com

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