Letter to the Editor

Open Forum

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Basket drawings

Dear Editor,

The McCook Farmers Market is going to try something new starting Aug. 23. The vendors would like to create a drawing for a basket of goodies to be given away to a customer on a weekly basis.

Each vendor will have a sign detailing the give-away and registration slips that customers can fill out and put into one collective bucket placed at the entrance of the Farmers Market.

At the end of each market sales day, a name will be drawn and the basket of goodies will be distributed to the winner.

The vendors will be participating in putting goodies in the basket to show their appreciation to their dedicated customers. It never ceases to amaze me to see the people who gather at the McCook Farmers Market, for they truly make it a seasonal social event.

Since the opening this season, we have at one time or another had at least 24 vendors.

There is a larger variety of produce and products offered this year. This year, you may find small bouquets of fresh-cut flowers displayed, alongside cookies and squash. Our vendors are working hard to supply their customers the best and the freshest products possible. Now is the time to stop down and be part of a seasonal festival and join in the fun of it all.

Do not forget to purchase some of the many goodies available before leaving. Stop down to see us, we will be waiting.

Ivan Schmid,

project manager,


Main Street Coalition

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