The Art of Quilting on display through September

Wednesday, September 4, 2002
The Bank quilt was hand pieced and hand quilted by Mattie Burton of Bartley.

The Sen. George Norris State Historical home on Norris Avenue is featuring pre-World War II quilts through the month of September.

Nineteen quilts are on display throughout the home. The quilts have been loaned to the home by Southwest Nebraska residents.

Each quilt has its own piece of history, including many made while the men were away from home, friendship quilts and embroidered pieces.

The Crazy quilt belonged to the Barenberg family of Herndon.

The Norris Home was built in 1886 and is on the national historic landmark register. It contains original family furnishings and memorabilia from U.S. Sen. George Norris and his family's 40 years in Washington. The home is located at 706 Norris Avenue and is open Tuesday-Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m., and 1-5 p.m. Admission is $3.

The Patriotic Rolling Star quilt is not complete and still needs to be quilted.
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