State official expects 35% turnout

Monday, May 13, 2024

LINCOLN, Neb. — With Nebraska's primary election set for Tuesday, Secretary of State Bob Evnen anticipates a voter turnout of approximately 35%, based on early voting trends and recent primary election data.

Evnen assured that polling places across the state are fully prepared to accommodate voters, with increased staffing and adherence to security measures. Notably, there has been a rise in volunteer poll workers, and county election offices are equipped to ensure voters can cast their ballots securely and independently. The majority of voters are expected to fulfill the new voter ID requirement using their driver's licenses or state IDs.

Early voting has been a popular option for Nebraska voters, with county election offices dispatching 155,110 early ballots to registered voters who completed the necessary application process and voter ID requirement. Additionally, 50,425 early voting ballots were sent to registered voters in by-mail counties. As of May 10th, county election offices have received 125,823 early ballots and facilitated 5,481 in-person early votes.

Secretary Evnen emphasized the smooth progression of early voting, noting that county election offices are actively assisting voters in understanding the new voter ID law. However, the deadline for mailing early voting ballots has passed, and voters are advised to utilize secure drop boxes for ballot submission before the close of polls on Election Day.

Monday, May 13th, marks the final day for in-person early voting at county election offices, while Tuesday, May 14th, is the deadline for returning early voting ballots. It's important to note that early voting ballots cannot be returned at polling places and must be submitted to county election offices by 8 p.m. Central Time or 7 p.m. Mountain Time on Election Day.

On Election Day, polling places will operate between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Central Time or 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Mountain Time, with full staffing and adherence to new voter ID procedures. Secretary Evnen reminds voters to bring acceptable IDs, which include Nebraska driver's licenses, state IDs, passports, military IDs, tribal IDs, and various official records.

Lastly, the Secretary of State's office cautions against election-related misinformation and encourages voters to rely on trusted sources for accurate information regarding the election process, particularly in the face of potential misinformation circulating on social media platforms.

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