
Better Internet access comes with hazards of its own

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The expansion of Internet access in rural areas of Nebraska is undoubtedly a positive step forward, bringing opportunities for connectivity, education, and economic growth. However, as recent data reveals, it also brings forth a concerning rise in fraudulent activities. While we celebrate progress, we must be vigilant about safeguarding against the dangers that accompany it.

According to a report by LendingTree analyzing data from the Federal Trade Commission, Nebraska residents lost a staggering $16.7 million to fraud in 2023, marking a 7.70% decrease from the previous year’s $18.1 million. This statistic is alarming, emphasizing the urgency to address the underlying issues contributing to such losses.

The report further highlights that Nebraska residents filed 11,244 fraud reports in 2023, averaging 574 fraud reports per 100,000 residents, with an average loss of $1,489 per report. While imposter scams accounted for a significant portion of reported fraud, investment-related fraud emerged as the leading cause of financial losses, amounting to $3.2 billion nationwide.

Moreover, social media scams, despite being the fifth most commonly reported contact method, resulted in the highest monetary losses, totaling $1.0 billion. Fraudsters primarily targeted victims through email, phone calls, and text messages, exploiting the increased connectivity facilitated by better internet access.

In light of these concerning trends, individuals must take proactive measures to protect themselves from falling victim to fraudulent activities. Here are four essential steps recommended by experts:

• Get a Password Manager: Strengthen your online security by using distinct and robust passwords for each login. Password managers can assist in generating and managing secure passwords, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your accounts.

• Trust Your Instincts: Pay attention to red flags and trust your gut instincts when encountering suspicious emails, calls, or messages. If something feels off, err on the side of caution and verify the legitimacy of the communication directly with the relevant institution or business.

• Regularly Monitor Online Statements: Stay informed about your financial transactions by regularly reviewing your bank and credit card statements. Prompt detection of suspicious activity enables swift action to mitigate potential losses and identify perpetrators.

• Report Small Unrecognized Charges: Even seemingly minor unauthorized charges should not be overlooked. Notify your bank immediately upon noticing any unfamiliar transactions, as they could indicate larger fraudulent schemes.

As we embrace the benefits of enhanced Internet access in rural Nebraska, it is crucial to prioritize cybersecurity and awareness to mitigate the risks associated with fraudulent activities. By adopting proactive measures and remaining vigilant, individuals can safeguard their hard-earned money and contribute to a safer online environment. Let us utilize technology as a tool for progress while ensuring its responsible and secure use.

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