Letter to the Editor

Pillen's priorities partly true and false

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Dear Editor,

I read the McCook Gazette article: “Pillen addresses issues, outlines priorities” (Jan 17). Having family in McCook, Cambridge and Arapahoe, I try to pay attention to Nebraska news.

I feel that Gov. Pillen is likely trying his best but trying to satisfy too many constituencies. I think it was rather harsh of him to say “I don’t believe in welfare.”

To a certain extent, government subsidies to big businesses and enterprises (such as Pillen’s hog operation) have been an accountant’s form of “welfare.” When prudently extended, welfare can be a vital safety net. I had to chuckle when Pillen used a play on words when he said it was “hogwash” that a sales tax increase isn’t a tax hike.

Of course, it is a tax increase. It is just shifting the burden of who pays what type of tax — and when they pay it. I’m supportive of property tax relief if done prudently. Also, some state workers achieved good productivity while working from home during the pandemic. I see Gov. Pillen’s point that some essential state offices need in-person staffing.

However, by the same token, I know a government official of New York who actually works remotely from her home in Louisiana. Plainly stated, I applaud Gov. Pillen on the fraction of agenda items he has right — but a few items could use some fine-tuning.


James A. Marples

Longview, Texas

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