MNB Seniors take brooms to 'vampire' in big home sweep

Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Tristan Campbell is among the McCook National Bank Seniors putting hits into play as they've evened their season record at 8-8 this season. The Seniors host Lexington tonight (8 p.m.) at the Jaycees Complex if weather permits.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

McCOOK, Neb. — Were vampires really out as darkness descended on McCook’s Jaycees Complex Saturday night?

“I looked around the dugout and said who brought the ‘energy vampire’,” coach Chris Conroy recalled as his McCook National Bank Seniors fell behind Colby, Kan.

The Seniors (8-8 record) had displayed super crisp energy during their opening 7-3 win over these Kansas visitors who didn’t find many good “bites” against pitcher Gabe Roberts.

McCook National Bank Senior Bryson Gullion (left) breaks off third base with coach Chris Conroy watching the action in Saturday's game one win over the Colby, Kan., Sluggers.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

Roberts dodged trouble while hurling an efficient 89-pitch complete game.

He scattered six hits, allowed just one earned run and went the distance despite striking out only one.

“I asked Gabe and you could see he wanted to finish it. He was lights out,” Conroy proclaimed.

His Senior teammates provided plenty of support like Coleton Lentz’s three-for-three hitting with two runs scored.

New Senior Miles Pollmann pounded two hits to raise his season batting average above .300, Conroy recalled.

Brody Graham delivered two more RBIs while Quentin Terry also crushed a double.

The Seniors built a 6-1 lead through three and were never seriously threatened.

Until the vampire came out into play during game two — Conroy’s energy vampire.

“Sometimes, the opponent dictates how we play,” the coach explained. “Colby had a good record. Maybe they were saving some guys for area games with Norton the next night. Whatever it was, we played down a bit in the second game.”

MNB fell behind 3-0, but quickly took a 4-3 lead before the second inning was finished.

Terry and Lincoln Michaelis both singled — though some Colby miscues really fueled that four-run inning.

Yet Colby regained a 5-4 advantage that eventually reached 7-4 into the sixth inning.

The Seniors found enough silver bullets in their bats and Terry would swing that biggest vampire swatter of all.

Graham’s walk began the awakening from game-two slumber.

Pollmann soon launched a double over the center fielder’s reach and Graham scored from first base to make it 7-5.

Oliver Corbett’s ground ball moved Pollmann to third base, which set up his run on another Colby pitcher balk.

Now nobody was on base with one out, yet the Seniors certainly weren’t letting vampires take over again.

Carter Larson calmly walked and Jaret Neben would run for him.

Neben swiftly stole second then saw Tristan Campbell reach safely on a third baseman’s fielding error.

Bryson Gullion was plunked with the next pitch which loaded those bases.

The next Senior struck out — but it was time for McCook’s best Buff the Vampire Slayer to step up.

“Quentin’s job is to swing hard,” Conroy declared.

Terry did just that and sent a high fly ball seemingly soaring for grand slam glory.

Not quite. It finished as just a single that — most importantly — cleaned those basepaths of teammates.

Nebel, Campbell and Gullion all scored for the 9-7 MNB lead.

Gullion took that momentum to the pitching mound and recorded three more Colby outs.

Game over.

MNB sweep complete.

“It was two good wins,” Conroy concluded.

The Seniors are home again tonight for an 8 p.m. area game vs. Lexington at that Jaycees Complex. This doubleheader begins with First Central Bank Juniors playing at 5:30 p.m.

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