Ogallala avenges earlier Legion defeat to MNB

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

McCOOK, Neb. — Ogallala fought off every McCook National Bank Seniors’ comeback attempt in a 9-5 Legion baseball win Saturday afternoon.

MNB (4-6 record) celebrated its first win at Ogallala, 12-8, on May 28 which started a four-game win streak until this rematch at the Jaycees Complex.

Coach Chris Conroy’s team outhit Ogallala again, 10-8, but could not overcome deficits of 5-1 , 7-3 and 7-5.

Caden Rezac reached base all four times with a triple and three walks. He scored three runs to lead Ogallala.

Quentin Terry doubled and singled en route to two MNB scores.

Gabe Roberts joined Carter Larson in ching-chinging two more MNB hits apiece. Roberts also raced around to touch home plate twice.

Bryson Gullion and Brody Graham both scored one more run.

There were only two McCook RBIs from pitcher Trenton Raile as well as catcher Tristan Campbell.

McCook resumes a busy week at Minden Wednesday evening.

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