M.V. Raiders don't drop Cardinals from unbeaten ranks

Friday, December 23, 2022
Southwest senior Tyler Ellis (above) took control of both his 170-pound matches which led to two points with neither challenge lasting more than 100 seconds. Below, Hitchcock County’s Taylor Hubl fights off a charge from Southwest heayweight foe Clayton Hardy Tuesday night. Hardy eventually triumphed, 9-3.
R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

CURTIS, Neb. — Tied 12-12 through one quarter, Medicine Valley couldn’t quite keep pace with the unbeaten Alma girls and lost 49-32 Tuesday evening.

The Cardinals take 7-0 into their holiday break. Alma surged ahead 27-19 by halftime then outscored M.V. (3-5) 15-8 in that final period.

Junior Stella Heapy;s 12 points topped Med Valley while senior Milla Farr netted nine along with nine rebounds.

R.B. Headley/McCook Gazette

Alma also won the boys’ contest, 51-39, over 1-7 Medicine Valley.

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