
We shouldn't have to say this, but it's important to vote

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The deadlines for registering to vote in Tuesday’s election have passed, but if you are registered, you can still vote in advance or on the day itself.

We hope you’re not like one prominent citizen we questioned about a particular question, who said he wasn’t going to bother. “They’re just going to do what they want, anyway!”

A sad commentary, considering the next major national event is Veteran’s Day, when we honor those who have risked their lives to give even apathetic citizens like those we encountered above the right to determine the direction their communities take.

One person, one vote, whether it’s school board, city council or Congress, what could be fairer?

If you think election deniers are just sore losers, or you think they have legitimate concerns, your voice is just as important, though not more so, than the person in the next booth.

You, and they, have a chance in Nebraska to add another level of assurance to the voting process, if you think Voter ID is a necessary and prudent step.

While you’re voting, we hope you take time to appreciate poll workers who have sacrificed their time to assure American citizens are able to participate in their most important civic duty.

The Follow My Vote organization (followmyvote.com), which is proposing adapting crypto-blockchain technology to the voting process (a whole ‘nother debate) collected 10 good reasons to vote:

1. To honor Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s challenge to us all.

Following the close of the Constitutional Convention, he was asked “What have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” He answered, “A republic, if you can keep it!”

2. So you can complain with integrity.

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the people and burn their behinds, then they will have to sit on their blisters.” – Abraham Lincoln

3. Because “Taxation without representation is tyranny.” – James Otis

4. For the anticipation of seeing who wins!

5. For the 38,159 missing in action, awaiting a return home to their nation of equality, justice, and freedom.

6. Because you have researched your candidates and can make an informed vote

7. If you don’t vote for your own interests, who will?

8. Because “Apathy gets you the government we have today.” – Gil Sery

9. “You can vote for yourself, or someone you really like.” – Dillon McHugh

10. “Because the rest of us are depending on you.” – Marv DeBoy

If you need even more reasons to vote, check out the full list here: https://bit.ly/3UaBM6h

As we said before, it’s too late to register to vote in next week’s election, but everything you need to know about the process is available at the Nebraska Secretary of State’s website, https://bit.ly/3SVxK02

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