Zoning board to hear request

Friday, March 19, 2021

McCOOK, Neb. — The City of McCook Board of Zoning Adjustment will have a public hearing Monday to consider a variance request from property owners who want to build an attached garage.

Shane and Tracy Burkey of 612 W. Second are seeking a variance of the side yard setback requirement for a corner lot, from 10 feet to 3 feet, eight inches.

McCook zoning ordinances require the side yards for corner lots facing the street should be one-half of the front yard setback minimum or 10 feet.

According to the variance request, the Burkey property currently has an accessory building in the rear yard that is non-conforming and is inside the 10 feet side yard setback, or about 4 feet from the property line to the north. The house is non-conforming as well as it sits 7 feet, five inches from the property line. The applicants want to remove the existing accessory building to construct the proposed garage, which would sit 10 feet off of the alley, with an entrance from West G instead of the alley.

The attached garage would be 40 feet by 50 feet and be seven feet from the property line, which confirms to the city’s zoning code.

A sloped grade to the property is a significant reason for the variance request, said the applicants. City staff reviewed the property and found that the proposed project would actually improve visibility around the alley as the current accessory building will be removed and the proposed garage will be situated seven feet further east of the alley.

The meeting is 5:30 p.m. at city council chambers at McCook City Municipal Building. Members of the Board of Zoning Adjustment are Tammie Hilker, chair, Ryan Moore, Greg Larson, Jerry Reitz, Rick Haney and Dennis Chipman, alternate.

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