Letter to the Editor

The Rest of The Story?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dear Editor,

What a heartwarming story in Friday’s Gazette about the lost Yorkie, Bella, being reunited with her family after being missing for six months. That part of the story is fantastic, but I wish Paul Harvey were around to tell us “The Rest of the Story”.

Isn’t it strange that almost as soon as the dog was out of the yard someone found her, and she was mated with a Yorkie male and delivered 4 pups within 3 months of going missing? What happened to the pups? Were they sold? Isn’t it odd that the person that found the dog did not make any effort to find the rightful owner? How convenient the person that found her happened to have a male Yorkie with which to make more little Yorkies. Bella was only a money source to the person who found her as the “finder” did virtually nothing to keep the beautiful dog neat and groomed. Only someone from Skidmore MO would believe all these coincidences.

Thank goodness an attentive veterinarian, Dr. Teel, was alert to the disappearance and the suspicious visit by the dog to the clinic. Otherwise, Bella would have gone from a loved family pet to being in forced servitude to produce many litters of pups each year.

I wish Paul Harvey could give us the Rest of the Story. There is obviously more to this saga than a dog being returned to their rightful owner.

Jim Wesch

McCook, Neb.

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