Financial pic of city’s water, sewer funds expected in January

Thursday, December 24, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. — PFM Financial Advisors, a company that advises the City of McCook on its cash flow expenses/revenue for the water and sewer departments, will have a completed forecast for the city sometime in January.

Typically, the company presents its findings to the city in October, but the COVID-19 pandemic prevented that from happening this year, said McCook City Manager Nate Schneider at the regular city council meeting Monday night.

Last year, the McCook City Council approved a 6% increase in water rates and a 3% increase in sewer rates, as recommended by the financial advisors. The water and sewer department are enterprise funds and operate on their own revenue, although city sales tax funds can be used to purchase equipment.

At the close of Monday night’s council meeting, Mayor Mike Gonzales recognized the McCook Toy Box and Blaine Budke, who allowed his facility to be used when the event was cancelled at the city auditorium. Gonzales said 500 families were helped this year by the Toy Box. Gonzales also asked Beth Siegfried, McCook Heritage Senior Center director, on the number of meals being delivered. Siegfried said 200 meals were delivered or picked up on Thursday and Friday.

The city council approved all consent agenda items without discussion. These included:

-Award the bid for the 2020 Crack Sealing Project to Stripe and Seal, LLC of Hays, Kan., in the amount of $48,000, that being the lowest responsible bid. They are the same contractor the city used in 2018 with the lowest bid, according to background information on this item in the city council agenda packet. Other bids received came from Super Sealing USA of San Antonio, Texas, $49,275 and B and H Paving of Scott City, Kan., $65,250.

-Approve Resolution No. 2020-32 amending and updating the City of McCook’s Employee Handbook: Changes in the handbook included a “Return to Work” policy. Background information on this item included in the city council packet states that this policy should achieve favorable workers compensation ratings in the future.

-Approve Resolution No. 2020-33 authorizing city staff to submit a letter of intent to the Nebraska Department of Economic Development Civic and Community Center Financing Fund for preliminary planning purposes.

If the city receives the grant, less money will have to be used for preliminary planning for the pool. The McCook City Council set aside from the 2020-21 budget $25,000 from city sales tax for preliminary planning expenses for the pool.

-Receive and file the minutes of the Sept. 9, 2020 Library Advisory Board meeting and the Dec.14, 2020 Planning Commission meeting.

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