
Vote counters should be allowed to do their jobs

Friday, November 6, 2020

Incumbent members of Congress have a definite advantage when election time rolls around.

We’re quick to condemn representatives or senators from other districts or states, baffled at how their voters can send the same buffoon back to Washington year after year.

Our own Congress person is another matter, however. Perhaps we ran into him at a county fair. Maybe we knew her when she worked in the Legislature. Maybe he helped our nephew get an appointment to a service academy.

The same principle applies, and is magnified at every level of government. Perhaps we rub shoulders with our county commissioner at church. Maybe we’ve worked with our City Council representative on a service project.

There may be corruption in an East Coast blue state, but there’s no way that courthouse employee I saw and the grocery store would cheat when it comes to counting my grandma’s vote. I’ve known that poll worker all my life, she’s a God-fearing woman who is proud to keep doing the civic duty she learned back during the Kennedy administration.

There are questions about every election, but the pandemic and political divisions over voting techniques have put those questions into warp drive this year.

There’s no reason, however, to drop a hand grenade into a clunky, yet reliable election machine that has served us well for more than two centuries.

Colleen Williams at NTV collected statements from congressional representatives on the issue:

SENATOR BEN SASSE: The task for this year is to finish the job by the book: Ignore overheated rhetoric, let state and local officials complete the count, and trust in the rule of law.

SENATOR DEB FISCHER: I’m proud of Nebraska for administering a free and fair election and counting all ballots in accordance with state law. All other states must do the same under the rules set out by their state legislatures. This is what our Constitution requires and what the voters deserve.

REP. DON BACON: “As a veteran I’m committed to building trust with the American people, in our election process and government, we need to allow the election process to proceed with counting and certifying ballots while also allowing scrutiny by observers. When questions, disputes, etc. arise, we need to allow the process to work through the proper channels including the court system if needed.”

We reached out to Rep. Adrian Smith, but hadn’t heard back by press time this morning.

Yes, legitimate questions about the voting process must be answered. Let’s hope the courts quickly sort the wheat from the chaff when it comes to those challenges and the true will of the people makes itself heard without delay.

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