Buildings, land among MPCC business

Thursday, July 23, 2020

McCOOK, Neb. -- As Mid-Plains Community College campuses prepare for the return of students this fall, the board of governors is making sure facilities will be there to serve them over the long term.

A number of current and future building projects were among the items on the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting at the McCook Community College student union.

The board discussed the process for selecting architects and engineers for future projects including the North Platte Community College Health and Science Center expansion, McCook Community College East Campus and MCC Brooks Hall HVAC replacement.

Mike Steele, vice president of administrative services, reported that walls are framed at the MPCC Imperial Campus and two buildings ready to be bridged, and an NPCC South Campus parking lot and sidewalks are in place in time for commencement.

The board also conducted a hearing on the purchase of a tract of land in North Platte for an indoor arena for the rodeo team, and if there are no concerns, the land is expected to be purchased after the August meeting.

Other highlights:

-- The board of governors got its first look at the 2020-21 budget.

-- MCC art instructor Rick Johnson invited the board to the American Watercolor Society’s 153rd Anniversary Exhibit in The Wrightstone Fine Arts Gallery Aug. 14-Sept. 27. McCook will be the second stop on the 2020-21 tour.

-- MCC’s Phi Beta Lambda chapter was recognized for receiving 15 awards during the Nebraska PBL Virtual State Leadership Conference. Lorrie Mowry was named Nebraska’s Advisor of The Year at the conference. Additionally, the MCC PBL chapter earned the Gold Level of Excellence Award.

-- MCC business instructor Lorrie Mowry was recognized for her selection as the Mountain-Plains Business Education Association’s 2020 Teacher of the Year.

-- MCC business instructor Janet Stalder was recognized for being named the Postsecondary Teacher of the Year by the Association for Career and Technical Education of Nebraska.

-- MCC business instructor Renelle Mooney was recognized for earning an Excellence in Teaching Award from the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development.

-- The Board authorized the president to sign a stipulation approving the merger of the Mid-Plains Education Association and the Mid Plains Vocational Education Association.

The next meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Aug. 26 in North Platte.

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