
More confirmation of what makes McCook a great place

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Congratulations to Sehnert’s Bakery and Bieroc Cafe for being one of only five eateries across the United States, and the only one in Nebraska, to earn an “America’s Classics” award from the James Beard Foundation, an organization honoring one of the first celebrity chefs.

Sometimes it takes an outsider to show people the value of resources they take for granted, such as a traditional, yet forward-thinking business that provides the welcoming atmosphere that helps create great memories as well as food and drink to match.

We’re not sure whether the “Live from the Bieroc” singer-songwriter series factored into the selection, but it could only enhance the cafe’s position in the awards, to be officially announced Friday.

James Beard was a cook, cookbook author, teacher and television personality who produced 20 books and many other writings. After his death in 1985, fellow celebrity chef Julia Childs helped establish the foundation that bears his name, influencing the generation of “foodies” that has followed.

But that tradition is short compared the one enjoyed by the Sehnert family, current owners Matt and Shelly the fourth American generation of bakers, carrying on a line through his parents, Walt and Jean, extending back several hundred years in Europe.

Perhaps the best part of the story is one that won’t be mentioned in the Beard Foundation’s announcement: Sehnert’s is part of a traditional, yet growing, dining, entertainment and cultural center far beyond what should be expected in a community of our size.

Recognition like the James Beard award should inspire all of us to appreciate what we have and work to make it better.

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