Letter to the Editor

Goat tied to Google

Monday, May 21, 2018

Dear Editor,

The “Snakes,” who were really the pagan Druids, who reigned supreme among the Irish people, until St. Patrick arrived and converted the simple, pagan Irish by introducing them to Christianity and its “Gospel of “Life,” as opposed to the “Gospel of Death.”

Now, the pagan Druids or “Snakes” are back and on May 25th, the Irish People will vote on a referendum that could repeal their constitution’s 8th amendment, making abortion permissible. This is a battle between the secular politicians and the Irish people; money from the likes of George Soros, the pro-abortion benefactor to the politicians and the likes of the “powerhouse Google” who acting as a “stooge” for the politicians, has cut off the ability for the people to place ads to urge the protection and consideration of the dignity of the human person, from conception to final death. and Google, obsequiously bowing to the politicians while at the same time claiming that they are neutral to both sides since cutting ads applies to all.

As my mother, who learned a lot from her Irish ancestors in County Cork, used to say, “Always find out where politicians or companies — find out where their goat is tied!” In this case the politicians and Google, by throwing their weight toward the politicians, putting the Irish people at a disadvantage, they are all tied to their goat, the “Gospel of Death.” as opposed to the “Gospel of Life.” Let us pray to St. Patrick to come to the aid of the Irish people and that the 8th amendment to the Irish constitution is maintained on May 25th and that the modern “Snakes” that are threatening Ireland and the generation of Irish to come, are thwarted, come May 25th.


James G. McHale

McCook, Neb.

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