Letter to the Editor

Gratitude and appreciation

Friday, July 28, 2017

Dear Editor,

The past few weeks have been a gift so great and powerful that it renewed by energy to get back to the flower beds.

My appreciation extends not only to the residents, staff, board and commissioners, but also to Red Willow County citizens for their support of Hillcrest Nursing Home. Welcome to Rural Health and Development on guiding this caring ship to a safe port.

I am also grateful for the Hillcrest Foundation Board as they work to bring comfort and support via scholarships and addressing financial needs of Hillcrest. This is made possible by many persons with their gifts to the foundation.

Thank you, citizens, for your continued support, such as the upcoming golf tournament and fund raiser on Sept. 17 for Hillcrest Nursing Home.

Don Harpst,

Administrator from

the last century and friend of Scrooge

McCook, Neb.

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