Letter to the Editor

Don't like lesser of two evils elections?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Dear Editor,

If you as a voter don't want to be forced to choose between the lesser of two evils, then demand the changes be made to the voting system that will allow you to fully state your preferences. We have the unsatisfactory behaviors and outcomes we have from candidates and elected officials because of the system we use to elect them. If we want different behavior and outcomes, then we must change the system.

There are three specific changes voters should demand their elected state officials make to their voting laws.

Replace the ballot we use now with the Ranked Choice Ballot. This will both enable and force political parties to nominate majority, rather than plurality winners. In General Elections, this will eliminate the political blackmail known as the Spoiler Scenario and make third parties competitive. Maine has an initiative on the ballot Nov 8 to do just that. The other states should copy them.

Make representative government truly representative. Eradicate gerrymandering by doing away with geographical Congressional Districts in favor of proportional representation.

Stop allowing the Presidential candidate with the largest plurality of the Popular Vote in 48 of the 50 states (and, in essence, the other two, as well) to get 100% of that state's Electors. Instead, use the Instant Runoff Ballot to determine the top two Presidential vote getters. Then allocate the Electors based on the percentage of the vote each receives. This will make all 50 states competitive, not just a few.

None of these proposals require Constitutional changes and are far more effective than term limits. What they do require is that you stay engaged after the election is over. Contact your state officials and demand these changes be made.

For more information on these proposals, google election reform advocates like FairVote, The Center Strikes Back, and The Brennan Center for Justice.

Or we can continue the insanity of doing elections like we're doing them now and expecting different results. The choice is ours.

Larry R. Bradley




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