
Tough laws don't tell complete story on drunk driving

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nebraska is pretty tough on drunk driving, according to a WalletHub analysis, but the available numbers don't tell the whole story.

Drunk driving results in more than a million arrests, nearly 10,000 deaths and more than $40 billion in economic damage each year, and Nebraska lawmakers have responded appropriately.

Nebraska is the fifth toughest state when it comes to DUI laws, according to the WalletHub analysis of 15 key metrics ranging from fines and minimum jail sentences to ignition -- interlock -- device requirements that drastically reduce repeat arrests of previously convicted drunk drivers.

The resuls show Nebraska ranks:

4th -- Minimum Jail Time (1st offense)

6th -- Minimum Jail Time (2nd offense)

3rd -- How Long Old DUI Factors into Penalties

9th -- Administrative License Suspension

4th -- Minimum Fine (1st offense)

13th -- Minimum Fine (2nd offense)

7th -- Average Insurance Rate Increase After DUI

Those are the laws on the books, however.

Many drunk driving charges are pleaded down to lesser offenses such as first offense DUI or reckless driving, in effect negating the Legislature's intent.

At one time, we were able to obtain lists of court case dispositions, which gave us a chance to track in just how many cases charges were reduced.

Then we were told such lists were not available.

If lawmakers and the public they serve are to have a true picture of drunk driving or any other issue, true transparency is vital.

For the full report and to see where your state ranks, please visit: http://bit.ly/2aK5vME

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