Letter to the Editor

Vote for growth

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Dear Editor,

Our people and good jobs are the lifeblood of McCook. I believe we have strong community leadership and many unsung heroes who volunteer their time with local civic organizations and our schools. Area jobs help drive the local, regional and state's economies.

To keep and attract people and jobs to McCook, the voters of our city have wisely supported economic development programs. One of those is commonly referred to as LB 840, the local optional sales tax for economic development. McCook residents have voted twice and both times they authorized this funding source to help keep and attract people and jobs.

For the May 10 primary election, McCook city voters will be asked to reauthorize the economic development program.

Voters have already approved the funding for the program. Now voters who support local efforts to keep and attract people and jobs, need to vote FOR the economic development program. It's an important vote FOR McCook's future.

Clark Bates

McCook, Neb.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Tuesday, May 3 at 5 p.m. is the last time Open Forum letters will be accepted concerning ballot issues for the May 10 election.

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