Letter to the Editor

Battle begins

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dear Editor,

The battle for a Transgender Policy has begun.

According to an article in the Omaha World Herald, Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, four out of six regions in Nebraska want participation in sports based on students' gender at birth.

This proposition was accepted by the Omaha area and rejected by the Lincoln area. The gloves are off. Now this proposal will be considered by a statewide 51-member Representative Assembly of school officials in April.

Jim Tenopir, NSAA executive director, said Wednesday that he wasn't sure what recommendation he would give to the board.

Under NSAA's proposal which Tenopir helped develop, eligibility for the "self-defined gender identity for athletics" would be determined by a committee consisting of a "physician with experience in transgender health care" -- Is this part of our new Obama Care -- "a psychiatrist or psychologist" -- probably students of the Freudian sexual proclivity of thought -- "a school administrator from a school not involved in the case" -- If not involved, what kind of rational decision from him -- and "an NSAA staff member" -- who knows as much as Jim Tenopir who contributed to the development of this committee of "dunces" who, without exception would be "way out in left field" when it comes to understanding the problem of "self-defined gender identity" and whether such anomalies should be allowed to decide on the athletic program they prefer.

Why is this a debate? Where are the adults? Whatever happened to "homo sapiens" (Latin for "wise men" who, in the metaphysical hierarchy of being, enjoy a uniquely noble position inasmuch as they are above the "animal" and a little less than the "angel.").

Finally, it is worthy of note that on Jan. 14 NSAA representatives, including Alan Carey, voted to approve GPP (General Participation Policy) allowing self-determined gender identity athletes to make their own decision and preference for the athletic group of their desire. And so we can now add Alan Carey, a representative from the McCook area, who voted Yes for the GPP, to the cadre of "dunces" who will undoubtedly dominate the final vote in April.

"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely." The ignorance of the people involved in this debate is palpable, knowing precious little about the bodies of our adolescent youth.

You can bet the farm that not a one of them has read Pope John Paul's encyclical "The Theology of the Body."

Let us close with someone who has, Bishop James Conley, who, recently wrote in the Lincoln Star Journal, "But the notion of self-defined "gender identity" defies the ordinary and natural relationship between biology and personal identity. Encouraging young people to redefine their identities in significant ways , according to their emotions, preferences or curiosities, is an act of irresponsibility on the part of adults entrusted with their formation."


James McHale

McCook, Nebraska

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  • What a strange topic. Everything is changing so fast. These are young people. You don't want to give too much leeway for kids to make these kinds of decisions. The reason being that their decisions are too often hasty and of a short range nature. Why would adults think their decisions are somehow better than that.

    -- Posted by bob s on Wed, Jan 20, 2016, at 2:25 PM
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