Letter to the Editor

Facts about cedars

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dear Editor,

Due to the fact that I was born in Colorado, I spent a lot of time in the mountains.

I enjoyed the wild flowers and learned to identify the different types of trees.

The smell of pine needles made me feel invigorated.

When I moved to Nebraska, I was pleased to see ponderosa and cedar trees growing in many places. (Farmers use them for windbreaks and shade.)

Recently, Richard Stahly, the chaplain at El Dorado Manor in Trenton gave me "The Harbinger" by Jonathan Cahn published in 2011 by Charisma House Books. It was a New York Times Best Sellers.

On pp 90-92, there are facts about the cedar, an evergreen. It is famous.

In Hebrew, the word for cedar is erez. These trees are mentioned in the Bible. The cedars of Lebanon in First Kings 6:9 were used by Solomon to build a temple in Jerusalem.

Gold, silver, copper and iron were also used to construct it. Brass was another metal utilized.

Cedar was used for the temple's roof and its walls were paneled with it.

Lebanon is north of Israel. Its limestone hills are eight to nine thousand feet above sea level. Groves of cedar trees that covered the area are quite scarce in 2014.

Helen Ruth Arnold,

Trenton, Nebraska

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