Letter to the Editor


Friday, August 22, 2014

Dear Editor,

Al Qaeda is afraid of ISIS because they are incredibly brutal. That's like sharks being terrified of a mutant sea animal that can rip them to shreds.

A television commentator said that an army that celebrates the carnage of death with Isis' bloodthirsty glee hasn't been seen since the days of the Aztecs. You and I don't remember what that was like, but it must not have been pretty

Isis has declared war on the entire human race, believing that we should all join them or die. Isis is now believed to be a direct threat to the United States.

Apparently, Christians are worth double virgin points because of the recent campaign to slaughter them or drive them to tops of mountains where the hoped the refugees would starve or die of thirst.

If it suits their fancy, they may unleash a dam to destroy a major city and flood a large portion of Iraq, depriving the country of the water and electricity necessary for life.

The USA used to have enough military resources to fight two wars. Now we don't even have enough military power or capital to fight one war. If the administration keeps cutting the military, we won't be able to fight our way out of a paper bag.

And meanwhile, Isis, Hamas and others who believe more in death than in life have their sights set on killing you and me. The leader of Isis said "We will see you in New York." It wasn't just a threat, but a promise. I'm sure American deaths conjure up dreams of triple numbers of virgins per murder in Allah's hereafter.

John McCain remarked in the campaign of 2008 that these people don't like us very much. This kernel of truthful sarcasm is on steroids now that it applies to Isis.

Six to eight weeks ago, President Obama said we are safer now than ever before because we talk to one another. Is he really that delusional? I'm reminded of a movie I saw in August or September of 2012.

The nations of the world need to cooperate in crushing these criminally insane murderers. I'm sure many nations would like to look to the United States for leadership, which makes sense because outside of the Middle East, we are the ones most threatened by their existence.

But as usual, the president is on vacation and we can be certain that the administration will be as decisive as a dog that needs to go potty on a raining morning when it comes to the growing menace of Isis in the future.

Aside from being criminally insane, Isis and Hamas are easily led. Do they really think Allah could find that many virgins?

Janine Hall,

McCook, Nebraska

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