Letter to the Editor

California Chrome

Monday, June 16, 2014

Dear Editor,

Fans waited excitedly at Belmont Race Track in New York recently.

California Chrome, a copper-colored chestnut horse, was there. I twas hoped that he would be the winner of the Triple Crown. Altogether, 11 horses have won that race in the track's 146 years of existence.

Unfortunately, California Chrome tied for fourth place with Wicked Strong.

Throughout history, horses played an important part in our lives.

Noah loaded them on to the ark with the other animals. They have evolved into a number of breeds.

Early settlers arrived in North America on ships. Cargo and supplies as well as livestock, including horses, were essential. Survival in the new world was affected by these shipments.

Native Americans quickly saw the advantage of using horses. Often, they helped themselves to ones owned by the white people

Nebraska farmers have depended on horses for plowing and harvesting.

Recently, a friend told me about a 1906 Oliver tractor that they used to level ruts in the driveway. When it was new, it replaced horses.

Horses weren't available to me very often in Denver where I grew up. I never passed up a chance to ride one.

In McCook, the Kiplinger Arena is a great place for horseback riding events. I have taken my grandchildren to see the horses there.

Helen Ruth Arnold,

Trenton, Nebraska

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