
It will be good to see Capitol completed

Friday, April 4, 2014

Ninety two years after it was begun, Nebraska's Capitol is poised to be completed.

That's despite the best efforts of Gov. Dave Heineman, who saw his veto of $2.5 million for four bronze fountains, one for each of four open-air courtyards, that were part of the original design, overturned

The current Capitol is the state's third, built in stages, from 1922 to 1932, replacing two earlier buildings which were poorly constructed and had to be torn down.

In true conservative Nebraska fashion, the towering structure was built in stages, paid off by the time construction was completed.

Since that was in the depths of the Depression, lawmakers put off some finishing touches such as the fountains.

The fountain plan was neglected for a generation or two, revived a few years ago by former state senators with an eye toward completion in time for Nebraska's 150th anniversary as a state in 2017.

They hoped to raise the money privately, but came up with only a few thousand dollars toward the project.

The idea that taxpayers should pay for improvements to a public building prevailed, however, both through passage of the funding, and the overturning of Heineman's veto.

Nebraska can be proud of its Capitol building, truly an architectural and artistic marvel. It will be good to finally, at long last, see it completed.

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  • It will be good to see the final plan completed BUT with Nebraska being rated as one of the highest taxed states in the Union, maybe tax relief should have the priority

    -- Posted by dennis on Sat, Apr 5, 2014, at 3:54 PM
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